As much as I look forward to studying Chapter 9 of Romans, my heart dwells on Chapter 8, eager to share an essential divine truth revealed in this cha[……]
Category: 拾记 Gathered notes
Sin and death, faith and resurrection
Why is sin a recurring subject during a Bible study? If gospel is all good news, why this preoccupation with the concept of sin?
The truth is, being[……]
Our God is a positive God
One day, as we were chatting over the latest depressing news, a sister in the Lord sighed and said: “as one gets older, you start to see that life on[……]
What do we have to do with God’s kingdom, power and glory?
God’s elect, His Church, is part of God’s eternal purpose. We are directly related to God’s kingdom, power, and glory.
Ephesians 3:9-11 “…and to bring[……]
The complete salvation
If we blindly emphasize a “simple Gospel” without giving heed to the whole counsel of God on the matter of salvation, we may fail to look beyond the b[……]
Expect nothing from the world
(A letter)
Recently God once again brought me to reexamine the foundation of my faith. Daily He reveals to me how much more He desires me to know Hi[……]
The way of the Lord is always death first and life follows
(A letter)
Thank you for the message. I share the joy the Lord has given you. It’s a deeper joy that lasts even during the difficult times like y[……]
To a friend who starts to see the light
A letter to a friend once wrote to share her joy in the commencement of a journey to knowing God.
We just received and read your letter. The let[……]
A letter to a brother going through trials
Dear brother, I recall the years in which the Lord purposefully blocked the sight on the path ahead of me and patiently waited for the growth of my fa[……]
A fearful destruction
I remember the several days after the event of 9/11 in the year of 2001: I struggled through to come back to my senses then. There are no right word[……]