Month: August 2015


“我以我的良人为一棵凤仙,在隐基底葡萄园中。” (歌1:14)


新娘先说,“我以我的良人为一袋没药,常在我怀中。” (歌1:13)  又紧[……]

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The Holy Spirit will not work with our hypocrisy and self-righteousness

Thanks to a brother’s sharing of the earlier history and experiences of the local assembly, I had a glimpse of the “first love” (Rev 2:4) which the assembly had in the beginning about 20 years ago.

Tragically, the assembly gradually left the first love.

A great treasure has been lost — a treasure in the Lord’s eyes, and a treasure to those who love the Lord.

The assembly came under attacks by the enemy through flesh.  It was spiritual ignorance, but also hypocrisy, self-righteousness and spiritual pride.

The assembly developed invisible rules to maintain a spiritual condition, but failed to allow the Holy Spirit to act on His own prerogative.  They failed to trust the Holy Spirit and His power in the body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit always demands absolute authority and Christ’s headship so that we may experience true death and true resurrection.  The Holy Spirit insists on this because this is the only way the body of Christ works.

But tragically,[……]

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圣灵的主权 The Prerogative of the Holy Spirit

圣灵按照祂的主权(The Prerogative) 在基督身体里运行。



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“紧紧追随爱,并切慕属灵的恩赐,” 林前14:1 (原文直译)。


爱是我们必须紧紧追随的。希腊语“dioko”这个词,不仅仅是我们要“爱慕,想得到”的意思,而是绝对地紧紧追随不放,生怕分离的意思。爱,不是一个得不到就让人遗憾的“锦上添花”, 而是失去后就损失一切的绝对性前提。恩赐则不同。恩赐是好上加好,但不是绝对必须的。

爱在基督里是终极目的。恩赐只是用来建立基督身体的工具。而爱则是基督身体的一个根本属性,也就是建立基督身体的最终目的。这正是为什么“诫命在爱中同归于一“ (罗13:9,直译),而“万物在基督里同归于一“ (弗 1:10,原文和罗 13:9同一个词),因为基督不只是方法,基督是终极目的。


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