有关麦穗 About Maysee

始语 a word to begin

时常心里有些得着或感想,多是靠 神怜悯而在主人田中拾得麦穗,虽只是些五谷杂粮且又零碎,也该珍惜而不浪费,故盼望做些笔记而收之,并谓『麦穗』,望日后可用。英文从一个祷告得名 MaySee: “Lord, open my eyes that I may see.”

“MaySee 麦穗” 并非灵机一动的结果,而是在反复犹豫并且长期消极抵抗神的吩咐之后,才终于付诸一点行动。虽已开始,仍然反复不定,人的软弱由此可见。


小子的愿望是记录和传达些纯净信息,并不想在网络上宣传自己。 故在此略去个人背景,因其并不会添加任何有意义的内容。小子不是冷漠,更不是傲慢,只是愿忠实于 神的托付。


Often, the heart picks up something, a thought or an inspiration. Knowing that I am merely gleaning in the Master’s field, I still gather that the humble gathering of grains is nonetheless real food provided by the Master and should not be wasted. Hence came the idea of taking notes and making a collection, naming them『麦穗』(maisui– wheat ears), hoping they can be reserved for a better use some day later.

In English, the name MaySee was given, from a prayer: “Lord, open my eyes that I may see.“

MaySee (maisui 麦穗) was not a whimsical idea spurred at a moment. Rather it was a small yet positive act of obedience that took place after a longtime hesitation and even continuous passive resistance to a bidding by the Lord. Although it has seen a definite beginning, it continues to suffer from my wavering. How telling it is to our human weakness.

No hope is set for substantial readership of MaySee (maisui 麦穗), much less popularity. If just a few take the gleanings and taste them, and find them filling and satisfying to his spirit, my heart is content.

My only desire is to record and pass messages of a pure grade. I have no desire to advertise myself. Personal background is therefore omitted here, as it would not add any value. This decision did not come out of a cold heart, nor was it asserted with arrogance. I only wish to be faithful to what my Lord has entrusted to me.

October, 2011

To readers

– The purpose of Maysee website

Maysee is primarily a cloud-based personal notebook to facilitate the site owner’s writing and note-taking.  I find the cloud-based content management functions such as anywhere-access, classification, archiving and search helpful.

Maysee is not primarily a public blog site. Because the site takes a somewhat blog-like open format, it may serve to share and fellowship with readers, but only to a limited degree.  The site is primarily a cloud-based personal notebook.

Maysee is not a social networking site to gain social benefits such as personal appreciation and recognition.

Maysee is not for any commercial purposes. It is not in the interest of this website to optimize its publicity for any personal gains.

Maysee is not for advocating any personal opinions.  Other than the topics under the category “Society”, everything is based on honest understanding of the Word of God.  I firmly believe that one can only study the Bible in order to be taught and instructed by God.  I strive to avoid being motivated to study the Word of God for the purpose of finding support to my own personal views.   I bring myself in submission to the Lord and prostrate myself at His feet.  If my personal view conflicts with the Word of God, I consciously choose to surrender my own view in recognition of both the absolute authority of the Word of God and my own proneness to fallacy.

Maysee is not for publishing academic writings and theological theses.  I dare not share what I did not learn from the Lord.  The Word of God is for the living not for the dead. I strive to remember that only the Lord Himself is the source of life and light, and nothing outside of Jesus Christ has life.

About the reader comments

Public comments are not turned on as I do not wish to make this site a public discussion forum.  However, private reader comments are not only welcome but are often a great encouragement as well as an inspiration to me.

Contact maysee.org

If you wish to make a comment or just want to contact me, please feel free to send an e-mail message to [email protected].

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