“…Partakers of the divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4:
Discouragement is common to all of us. When we are made aware of our shortcomings, we tend to hav[……]
“…Partakers of the divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4:
Discouragement is common to all of us. When we are made aware of our shortcomings, we tend to hav[……]
Gen. 1:1-2, 6; Job 26:8, 10, Ezekiel 47:1–11; John 3:5, 4:10; Revelation 7:16-18; 21:6; 22:1; 22:17; Eph. 5:26; Heb. 10:22
Bible verses: Gen. 2:9-10; Gen. 3:22-24; Proverbs 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; Rev. 2:1, 7; Rev. 22:1-2; Rev. 22:14:
I. The title of this book. It is called Psalms or The Book of Psalms, which literally means “poem songs”, hence the Chinese translation “诗歌”. The Lord[……]
The center of the book of Amos is God’s judgment. And God has every right and complete authority to judge. 中心思想: 神的审判 (3:8)
1: The Son who came to serve
The Gospel according to Mark does not begin with the birth of our Savior, nor his childhood and youth, but from John’s b[……]
1: Family letter, imparting of life
If we use our Lord’s own words in John 10, the Shepherd has come to find His own sheep, and to lead them to His ow[……]
The previous chapters 1-3 of Leviticus covered several categories of sacrifices which are all characterized by a sweet aroma to the Lord, offered as a[……]
在利未记第四章里所献的祭, 与燔祭, 素祭和平安祭很不同。这里,人是因犯罪得罪了 神而献赎罪祭。前来献祭的人不是一个敬拜者的身份,而是一个罪人的身份, 神要求他通过赎罪祭来解决他的问题。他是负罪的,不洁净的,中断了与 神的交通。他不能与被悦纳的祭物认同而前来被接受。相反,倒是祭物被认同与他的罪以及他[……]