J. N. Darby 弟兄说: 爱是 “对善的喜乐(joy in good)”,正是靠着这个喜乐,使得我们从“倾向于认定恶(readiness to suppose evil)” 的光景里被释放出来。
在看事情和人时,我们倾向于“认定恶”。 比如,我们会先入地定论别人是错的,至少不如自己正确。这[……]
J. N. Darby 弟兄说: 爱是 “对善的喜乐(joy in good)”,正是靠着这个喜乐,使得我们从“倾向于认定恶(readiness to suppose evil)” 的光景里被释放出来。
在看事情和人时,我们倾向于“认定恶”。 比如,我们会先入地定论别人是错的,至少不如自己正确。这[……]
What is faith? I have studied about it and thought I had an adequate understanding. I have experienced it and thought I have been granted a fairly assured footing. And I have been even tested for it and felt I have not totally failed.
Last night, however, in my searchingly prayerful moments, I received a special gift that made me richer.
It was a gift of faith.
It’s a precious jewel. It’s the kind of a jewel that is worth more than what I have ever saved in my own spiritual “piggy bank”. But someone else has saved enough to purchase it, and gave it to me as a gift.[……]
“竭力追求。。。努力面前的,向着标杆直跑。。。” 腓立比书 3:12-14。
“你们要安息,要知道我是 神。” 诗篇 46:10。
但同时,我们读 神的话,要小心不被字句所捆绑。神的话在灵意里,不在字句里。死抠字眼抠不[……]
叫了这个标题,心里踌躇,因为 “大” 这个词,是一个含糊的词,甚至有点被俗气化(不是这个词本身的问题,而是风气的问题)。
地上最好的亲情,也只是天上关系的某一部分的一个影子而已 (并不是本体,甚至不是全部整体的影子,只是某一侧面的影子)。[……]
One of the most paradoxical and troubling experiences I have had in my Christian life is the existence of spiritual pride.
Pride as a human behavior is common, and is a very basic aspect of sinful human nature. But spiritual pride is much harder to understand, and even harder to deal with.
It’s easy to categorically say that any spiritual revelation that leads to pride is not true spiritual revelation. The real life experience, however, tells you that it’s far more complicated than that.
Often, you see terrible and hurtful pride in some men and women who have such profound spiritual knowledge. The spiritual knowledge demonstrated by such individuals are so profound and admirable, yet the person is so evidently and hurtfully prideful, condescending, and self-important, it challenges a normal definition of “pride”.
I. 箴言与普通智慧的区别
(1) 箴言教我们如何生活,但箴言主要的目的并非为了帮助我们在地上的生存。如果箴言只是为了帮助我们属地的生存的话,亚伯(创世纪 4:8)的经历就足以证明智慧是软弱无力的。就人的经历来讲,亚伯是信心生活的开始,是智慧首次显现。但亚伯很快就被他哥哥该隐杀了。如果单从生[……]
I. Proverbs is not common wisdom:
(1) Proverbs teaches us how to live, but this book is not primarily about practical social skills for survival in t[……]
“Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His ow[……]