Blessings received in West Coast Christian Conference (WCCC) 2021

West Coast Christian Conference (WCCC) was held online this year.  The theme of the conference was The Spiritual Reality of the Church.

The Lord used the conference to further purify and intensify the love of the saints to Him, and He did it by more deeply showing His love to us.

In addition to the overall messages and fellowship, there were some small moments that were almost mystic to me.

For example, when brother Ted Peng said, “the Father loves the Son, and then He is able to love us through the Son,” I suddenly felt something so deep and vast and new that I thought our brother made an expression no one else had ever made before. So I tried to write it down. But when I did I could not find that special deep mystic feeling in the written words. Yes the words are wonderful, but they’re not new. In fact we have all said the same thing often.

However, I did receive some special revelation at the moment and it was real. So all I could do is to bow my head to worship God.

It is life and it is beyond words. It is the spiritual reality in the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, even the best words are “common (俗)” to us. So this also taught me a little more about what “common” and “sanctified” really mean.

Another moment was when brother Dana Congdon said “Christ’s preeminence is our love’s estimate” (the Chinese translation did not come through like that, so I’m not completely sure if that was what our brother said, bur that’s what the Lord allowed me to hear).

I felt my mind was transformed at the moment when I heard that.

It is our heart’s estimate of the preeminent value of Christ that God finds precious. So precious that the Holy Spirit applies all His energy to create that love in us.

It would be easy for God to objectively demonstrate to the entire creation that Christ is preeminent. But He would not be satisfied with that. The Father wants Christ’s preeminence to come out of our hearts subjectively according to our “love’s estimate”.

It is for this reason that the Church is the center of the new creation, because the Church produces something that no other creation is ever capable of producing.

Oh Lord, what a fool I am if my heart misestimates Christ.  Give me a right estimate and let me tell others about my heart’s estimate of Christ.

And that’s also why I’m so blessed to see and hear other brothers and sisters’ love to the Lord.  They are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the most precious thing that is being produced on earth today.

We are a blessed bundle 我们是蒙福的“一捆” ( 一捆麦子)。


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